Computer Hardware Industry News

Computer Hardware Industry News


With the rapid development of society and the improvement of people's living standards, the application of computers has become more widespread. Although the manufacturing technology of computers has undergone significant changes, it has always followed Feng in terms of basic hardware structure. The traditional framework of Neumann. Let's learn about the development trend of computer hardware together.

At present, the development of computer hardware architecture in China is basically moving towards different aspects of development and progress. The first is to study a new computer architecture, improve parallel computing and processing capabilities, and especially show the theory and application of intelligent architecture, followed by the research and development of large-scale integrated circuits with hardware and firmware as the main line of development.

Trend of Computer Hardware Development 1: Smaller and More Compact

The trend of history tells us that the development of hardware is constantly striving for smaller size. The advantage of volume allows you to easily carry them anywhere, and in the future, they can even be shrunk to fit inside your clothes or skin.

The key to realizing this dream lies in producing faster, smaller, and more affordable computer chips. The application of nanotechnology can make these electrical and digital products more intelligent and functional; On the other hand, the data processing and computing performance of the personal digital assistant will be greatly improved, and it will truly become a portable "pocket computer".

Trends in Computer Hardware Development II: More Personalized

Future computers will have significant improvements in interactive software and chips. In the future, computers can communicate with us through voice communication - it's not surprising. Currently, so-called speech recognition software can only recognize our voices, and in the future, such software can even understand our "lip language" without us having to speak! Future voice interfaces will train computers to know that when a user turns their face towards it, they will understand that the host is about to give a command, and when a person leaves, this standby state will end on its own. Professionals believe that this well-trained 'electronic brain' will develop over the next 5 to 10 years.

In addition, more personalized computers will be based on more reliable personal authentication systems (such as hand prints, voice control, or iris), which can maximize the protection of users' privacy from infringement.

Trend 3 of Computer Hardware Development: Smarter

With the continuous improvement of computer data processing and computing capabilities, personal computers will become increasingly intelligent. Through continuously improved hardware performance and more effective control software, the PC that can active learning will eventually be born. There are still many technical obstacles to creating "smart people" that are as intelligent as humans, but there is great hope in developing "smart PCs". Kasparov, the Grandmaster of chess, lost to the computer "Dark Blue" in the "man-machine war" in 1997.

Future smart PCs can also bring more convenience to their owners. It will be able to gradually understand the owner's needs and grasp their thoughts based on each action, and then change from passive search for information to active interception of information.

Trends in Computer Hardware Development 4. More Universal

At present, many computer manufacturers believe that the main direction of PC development will be an ubiquitous computing environment. More and more ordinary household appliances are equipped with PC functions, allowing users to handle finances or access the internet at home. The future PC will construct an ubiquitous PC environment through various home appliance products with computer capabilities, such as set-top boxes combined with televisions and audio systems. In public places, host servers with computing power will be distributed throughout the network architecture to form a mobile and wireless computing environment. Users only need to carry portable IT devices without making any connections. By using infrared transmission, they can receive important information such as emails from server hosts in public places at any time.

Trend 5 of Computer Hardware Development: More "Wireless" (Unlimited)

Communicate with any machine at any location. Currently, with the popularization of the Internet, various functions of personal computers on office desktops are being distributed, transferred, and melted into the PDAs, watches, and cars that people carry with them. Connected computers can control lights, televisions, stereos, security systems, air conditioning, heating, and even lawn sprinklers. All control signals can usually be automatically sent out. The networking of personal computers also means that there is no gap between home networks and neighboring networks (short-range networks), office networks and long-distance communication networks.

Under the influence of tremendous social changes and technological leaps, the important components and core components of computers, as well as hardware devices such as processor memory, have gone from giant to compact, from clumsy to agile. However, the only thing that remains unchanged is that their performance is becoming stronger and stronger. Gigantism, miniaturization, networking, and intelligence are the future directions of computer hardware development. In the future development process of computer hardware technology, there will be greater progress and innovation, promoting the rapid development of China and even the global economy, and providing new breakthroughs for human development

Computer Hardware Industry News

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